Курс Tom-cat. Administering Apache Tomcat. Apache Tomcat Training Overview

Tom-cat. Administering Apache Tomcat. Apache Tomcat Training Overview
  • Код курса:
  • Длительность:
    3 / 24
  • Ближайшие даты:

  • Цена, без НДС:
ВК Вадим А
Описание Курса:
Apache Tomcat є найпопулярнішою платформою для розгортання на основі Java ™ веб-додатків. В цьому курсі участники навчаться адмініструвати сервери Tomcat, розгортання додатків на сервері, забезпечення безпеки серверу, усунення недоліків кластера Tomcat, щоб забезпечити високу доступність.
Курс включає в себе матеріали слайдів по кожному з модулів.
Лабораторне середовище з віртуальних серверів під управлінням Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.
Приклади та лабораторні работи базуються на Tomcat 6, який є основою даного курсу.
Також в курсі розглядаються нововведення в версії 7 та відмінності з версіею 5.5 (Module 11).
Содержание курса:

Apache Tomcat Training Objectives

• Set up and configure Apache Tomcat
• Deploy Java web applications to the Tomcat server
• Configure Tomcat valves for access logging, single sign-on, and access control
• Monitor Tomcat via its JMX MBeans and a variety of tools, including JConsole, VisualVM, and PSI Probe
• Tune Tomcat for optimal performance
• Configure Tomcat logs and troubleshoot Tomcat
• Secure Tomcat
• Build and monitor database connection pools
• Run Tomcat behind a web server, such as Apache httpd or Microsoft IIS
• Build Tomcat clusters to ensure high availability


Apache Tomcat Training Outline

Module 1: Introduction

  • Introduction to Web Technology stack
  • Overview of the Apache Software Foundation and the Jakarta Project
  • Overview of Java EE as a platform
  • Overview of the features and functionality specifically provided by Tomcat

Module 2: Installing Tomcat

  • Installing the Java Runtime Environment (JRE)
  • Performing the Tomcat installation (with nuances specific to your operating system discussed)

Module 3: Examining the Tomcat installation directories

  • bin
  • conf
  • lib
  • logs
  • temp
  • webapps
  • work

Module 4: Configuring Tomcat

  • server.xml (detailed walkthrough)
  • web.xml
  • context.xml

Module 5: Tomcat Valves

  • AccessLog
  • RequestFilterValve
  • Selective coverage of other filters as needed in your environment Discussion of how filters are progressively replacing valves

Module 6: Memory management and JMX monitoring

  • Understanding Java garbage collection
  • Using JAVA_OPTS, JMX and JConsole to monitor and tune Tomcat memory usage
  • Sizing Tomcat's JVM memory heap
  • Using JMX and JConsole to configure Tomcat via Tomcat's MBeans
  • Updating Tomcat's configuration via JMX "on the fly" without restarting Tomcat
  • Load testing with JMeter
  • Using VisualVM (new monitoring tool built into JDK 6) and PSI Probe
  • Controlling JMX MBeans via Ant

Module 7: Logging

  • JULI logging
  • log4j logging
  • Understanding exceptions and thread dumps

Module 8: Connecting databases with Tomcat applications

  • Classic JDBC approach
  • Better approach: JNDI resources
  • Setting up and monitoring database connection pools

Module 9: Security

  • File system security
  • Java security manager
  • Realms, authentication, and authorization
  • SSL (mandatory)
  • Closing potential security holes in Tomcat’s default configuration
  • Turning off the shutdown port
  • Ensuring directory listings are disabled
  • Removing unnecessary applications
  • Password protecting the JMX port (if open)
  • Turning off unnecessary connectors
  • Hardening the remaining connectors

Module 10: Performance tuning strategies

  • Additional JVM tuning tips
  • Changing to a different garbage collector (Parallel, Concurrent Mark Sweep, or G1)
  • Building native connectors
  • Disabling/removing unneeded applications
  • Tuning incoming connections and back-end database connection pools
  • Turning off Jasper development mode
  • Precompiling JSPs
  • Preloading servlets
  • Turning off autodeploy and automatic watching of web.xml files

Module 11: Tomcat 7 New Features and major changes between 5.5 and version 6

  • Memory leak prevention and detection
  • Support for new versions of the Servlet, JSP, and EL specs(and the practical implications of this for Tomcat admins)
  • Cross-site request forgery prevention (and how to configure)
  • Session fixation attack prevention
  • Alias support (which allow static content to be stored outside the WAR file)
  • Reference links for your developers

Module 12: Running Tomcat behind Apache httpd [this section would be taught using your web server and connector module of choice]

  • Why run Tomcat behind Apache httpd or IIS?
  • Installing mod_jk (Apache httpd or IS) or mod_proxy_ajp and mod_proxy_balancer (Apache httpd 2.2 or later only)
  • Proxying traffic to Tomcat via AJP
  • Monitoring the status of your web server's connection to Tomcat
  • Load balancing Tomcat via mod_jk or mod_proxy_balancer

Module 13: Tomcat Clustering

  • Configuring mod_jk (in Apache or IIS) or mod_proxy_balancer (Apache 2.2 or later only) as a load balancer
  • Hardware load balancing as an alternative to software load balancing
  • Sticky sessions
  • Session Replication using
  • Configuring the application to be distributable
  • Setting up and testing failover
  • Alternative session replication back-ends
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