курс DevOps для адміністраторів / курс DevOps для администраторов

DevOps для адміністраторів
  • Код курса:
  • Длительность:
    14 / 42
  • Ближайшие даты:

  • Цена, без НДС:
Содержание курса:

The Story of DevOps
Description (60 min)

  • History and nowadays of devops.
  • Types and Antipatterns to build devops in your team.
  • Mixed with collection of true and funny stories

Some DevOps Magic
Demo (30 min)

  • We going to launch modern Cloud Infrastructure with IAC, deploy Control Plane and Demo Application in real time

Devops Types and Antipatterns
Description (60 min)

  • True story based on Matthew Skelton’s work devops topologies with real world examples

Are you ready? Devops checklist
Description (30 min)

  • This checklist is comprised of 48 items you can use to gauge the maturity of your software delivery competency, and form a baseline to measure your future improvements

Top Devops Myths
Description (30 min)

  • Highlight the top 10 DevOps myths brought up during the social conversation and distill down the crowdsourced responses to each

Devops Ecosystem
Demo (30 min)

  • SDLC tooling in action

The k8s story
Description (60 min)

  • Kubernetes timeline mixed real world experience example

Kubecon recap
Description (30 min)

  • Trends, mainstream, best practices and most interested rom KubeCon 18-19

Hands-on Practices
Training Plan (180 min)

  • OS-level virtualization
  • Containerized Application
  • Kubernetes Overview
  • Run K8S Clusters on Cloud
  • Kubernetes Ecosystem
  • Infrastructure As a Code
  • Declarative Deployment
  • API Gateway
  • Logging and Monitoring
  • Operator Framework

Материалы и сертификаты:
Акцент Профи

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